
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

'Tis the season

This weekend will kick off backpacking season 2010 at our house. Evan has done his part already: he planned the trip, bought a new tent (much lighter, he assures me), and demanded some delicious food. He is so demanding.

Just kidding.

He actually doesn't care about food. But I do. Quite a bit. And so this week I've been playing in the kitchen (I love you kitchen!), and have come up with some new additions to our backcountry repertoire.

A few years ago I read that you can dehydrate smoothies and then rehydrate them while you're on the trail. Amazing? Yes. So I blended up our favorite smoothie (equal parts vanilla yogurt, milk, and fruit--usually strawberries), lined the tray with parchment paper, and pressed the 'on' button. So strenuous. I can hardly wait to fill a bottle with cool mountain water and smoothie chips and sip away. (And if I can't wait, the dried smoothie is really good by itself--it tastes like strawberry creamsavers :)

Granola. This recipe came from Evan's sister Anna, and it is so simple and so delicious. Probably because it has coconut in it. Coconut = Awesome.

Oh, did you want the recipe? I thought you might.

Naked Granola

dry ingredients:
3 c. rolled oats
1 c. raw natural/sweetened coconut flakes
1 t. cinnamon
1/4 t. salt

liquid ingredients:
1/3 c. honey
1/4 c. very hot water
1/4 c. canola oil
1 t. vanilla

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. In a bowl, combine dry ingredients and mix. In a separate bowl, combine the liquid ingredients and stir until honey is dissolved. Pour over the dry ingredients and toss together. Spread on baking sheet in a thin layer. Bake 15 minutes and stir. Bake another 15 and stir again. Continue baking in 10 minutes increments until granola is browned to desired degree. Let cool 20 minutes.

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