
Thursday, September 23, 2010


It all started a couple of weeks ago when our car was getting sick. We were debating whether or not to fix it or look for a new one. Bleh. I hate car decisions. Anyhoo, long story short, we decided that we would just get another bike. That way, if our car broke down, we would be extra prepared to travel the town in style. And since Evan was beating me in the bike numbers department, it was my turn.

We are so smart.

And so without further ado... Here is Miss Bike herself:

I know. Pretty, right?!? And since everything needs a name, I've been thinking all day about what to call my new baby. I've narrowed it down to just a couple options. And so I would appreciate any votes or recommendations. This is official business.

1) Minty
2) The Blue Canoe

So please give this some serious thought and let me know. Or not. Because you probably have a life. For the record, Evan named his new bike Sweetness. Which upset me at first, because I thought I was his Sweetness. But come to find out, I'm his Sweetheart. Which is better. So everything's alright now.

And she just so happens to match my mixer. Which makes me want to bake something right away.

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