
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I've Got the Whole World

Yesterday while out running errands, I was almost to my last stop:  The Post Office.  Which is pretty far away, considering that I basically live downtown.  It's across the railroad tracks, in the heart of the ghetto.  Right next to the women's prison (you have no idea how charming this town is!).  Anyway, just as I was approaching a stoplight, I saw ahead of me that lights were flashing, bells were clanging, and two striped arms were lowering across the road (a train was coming!).  And because I've had the misfortune of being stuck in that exact same spot before whilst waiting for a train to pass, I made a swift decision.  I made a mostly-legal lane change/turn and glided into a parking spot in front of my thrift store.  Favorite thrift store.

I wasn't planning on going there.  I am over my budget this month (one word: Quilt).   But the train.  I would have been waiting ten minutes anyway.  So why not wait inside??

And after perusing the store, I was sure I was about to leave empty handed.  But a quick glance out the window told me that the train was still a chuggin'.  So I went into the scary basement.  Which I have stopped doing.  Creepy!  It's full of stinky sports equipment, hilarious lamps, and overpriced particle-board furniture.  I was just killing time after all.

And then I saw him.  Mr. Globe.

Hello there!

I couldn't believe my luck!  In fact, just that morning while yoga-ing (word), I looked up at our mantle full of blue globes and thought, "ya know, we really could use a brown globe."  I'm not kidding!

And as I was paying for Mr. Globe, the cute old volunteer that's always reading the bible, told me what a deal I was getting: the whole world for just $7.50.  It wasn't every day you could get a deal like that!  He was totally right.  I love you globe.  I love you train.

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